Refund Policy: offers buyers a 60 day money back guarantee on their purchase - If in the 60 days after purchase you use the materials in the course to create your own niche product and don't make at least 10x what you paid then we will gladly refund 100% of your purchase price.

However, due to the fact that buyers have instant access to the materials after purchase, we unfortunately cannot accept "change of mind" refund requests from buyers who simply download the materials and then request a refund without using them.

The training material covers everything listed in the sales material so buyers are fully aware of the course material before purchase.

When submitting a refund request, the buyer should include links to the niche product created, the website created to market the niche product and also proof of any marketing efforts.

After the above information is submitted within 60 days from the date of purchase, the refund request will be processed and the payment returned (excluding shipping and handling costs where applicable)